Jewelry Care

Caring for Jewelry Stones

  1. Keep your healing stone beads out of the water if they are softer stones like Selenite, Angelite, or Pyrite that are not stabilized and will dissolve in water. Ask if unsure!
  2. Treat your healing stone jewelry with care. Don’t pull, slam, bang natural stones as they are not indestructible pieces of plastic!
  3. Some stones may fade in the sun or change colors with wear. Embrace the transformation as you do the changing seasons of the world.
  4. If you do break a bead in your jewelry, you have the option to glue it back in place or have the piece restrung.
  5. Don’t mistake organic veins and craters for cracks though, these are the pits and valleys made by Mother Earth.

Caring for Jewelry Components

  1. Keep stretch cord jewelry out of prolonged water. Over time, stretch cord jewelry will stretch out even though the cord was pre-stretched when made. The more you wear it, the more the elasticity will wear out. It’s best to get your stretch bracelets, anklets, and necklaces restrung as soon as you feel some lax in the cord.
  2. Plated metals will peel and fade over time. Metals will oxidize over time, so go with the flow and embrace the urban decay into antiquity. Nothing stays young and shiny forever, appreciate the aging process.
  3. Treat your gemstone jewelry with care. Don’t pull on jewelry cords or clasps with excessive force.

Enjoy and wear in good health!